
The Nanomedicine Lab logo.

The NanoOmics Team aims to generate fundamental knowledge about the interaction of nanomaterials with blood components. Our mission is to exploit the bio-nano interface in order to develop nanoparticle-based ‘liquid biopsy’ platforms. Our ultimate goal is to unveil novel biomarker panels for early disease detection and to untangle underlying biological processes and molecular pathways.

NANOOMICS Research Projects

Understating the Nanoparticle ‘Biomolecule Corona’ 

We investigate the spontaneous adsorption of blood molecules (proteins, lipids, nucleic acids etc.) onto the nanoparticle surface, a self-assembled phenomenon known as the ‘biomolecule corona’ formation. Our team has developed protocols to analyse the molecular composition of the ‘ex vivo’ and ‘in vivo’ biomolecule coronas, upon incubation of nanoparticles (lipid-, carbon- and metal-based) with biological fluids (e.g. plasma) or upon their intravenous administration in animal models, respectively. Our work has provided the first in vivo experimental evidence of the existence of a molecularly rich biomolecule corona around blood-circulating nanoparticles in humans. We aim to examine the multi-molecular composition of the biomolecule corona in different biofluids and to understand how it affects the overall clinical performance of nanoparticles.

The NanoOmics Platform Technology

We exploit the nanoparticle biomolecule corona formation in order to facilitate the comprehensive proteomic analysis of complex biological fluids. We employ nanoparticles as scavenging agents to uncover blood-buried molecular fingerprints of low abundance, otherwise “masked” under the overwhelming signal of highly abundant proteins (such as albumin and immunoglobulins). Our work has demonstrated that analysis of the biomolecule corona fingerprinting by mass spectrometry overcomes the critical ‘signal-to-noise’ hurdle and facilitates an in depth analysis of the blood circulation proteome. Our ultimate goal is to develop a nanoparticle-enabled integrative multi-omics blood analysis workflow.

Blood Biomarker Discovery

The discovery of blood-circulating biomarkers is hindered by the large dynamic range of blood components and the low concentration of disease-specific molecules. We employ the Nanoomics platform in order to facilitate the discovery of novel biomarker panels in blood (using both preclinical models and human clinical samples), for a range of diseases and biomarker applications with an emphasis on the early detection of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.  We aim to develop nanoparticle-based ‘liquid biopsy’ platforms to harvest disease-specific molecules across multiple omics ‘layers’.



Nature Reviews Materials, 2024, 9, 219–222

In vivo biomolecule corona and the transformation of a foe into an ally for nanomedicine

Marilena Hadjidemetriou, Morteza Mahmoudi*, Kostas Kostarelos*


Nature Nanotechnology, 2024, 19, 705–714

First-in-human controlled inhalation of thin graphene oxide nanosheets to study acute cardiorespiratory responses

Jack Andrews^, Shruti Joshi^, Evangelos Tzolos, Maaz Syed, Hayley Cuthbert, Livia Crica, Neus Lozano, Emmanuel Okwelogu, Jennifer Raftis, Lorraine Bruce, Craig Poland, Rodger Duffin, Paul Fokkens, John Boere, Daan Leseman, Ian Megson, Phil D. Whitfield, Kerstin Ziegler, Seshu Tammireddy, Marilena Hadjidemetriou, Cyrill Bussy, Flemming Cassee, David Newby, Kostas Kostarelos*, Mark Miller*


Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 11038-11051

The lipidomic profile of the nanoparticle-biomolecule corona reflects the diversity of plasma lipids

Lana Papafilippou, Anna Nicolaou, Alexandra Kendall, Dolores Camacho-Muñoz, Marilena Hadjidemetriou*


Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 2022, 19(8), 551-561

Nano-omics: Nanotechnology-based multidimensional harvesting of the blood-circulating cancerome

Lois Gardner, Kostas Kostarelos, Parag Mallick, Caroline Dive and Marilena Hadjidemetriou


ACS Nano, 2021, 15 (4), 7357-7369

Nanoparticle-enabled enrichment of longitudinal blood proteomic fingerprints in Alzheimer’s disease

Marilena Hadjidemetriou*, Jack Rivers-Auty, Lana Papafilippou, James Eales, Katherine A. B. Kellett, Nigel M. Hooper, Catherine B. Lawrence and Kostas Kostarelos*


Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2021, 10 (1), 2001378

Nanotools for sepsis diagnosis and treatment

Lana Papafilippou, Andrew Claxton, Paul Dark, Kostas Kostarelos and Marilena Hadjidemetriou*


Nanoscale Horizons, 2020, 5 (11), 1476-1486

The biomolecule corona of lipid nanoparticles contains circulating cell-free DNA

Lois Gardner, Jessica Warrington, Jane Rogan, Dominic G. Rothwell, Ged Brady, Caroline Dive, Kostas Kostarelos* and Marilena Hadjidemetriou*


Nano Today, 2020, 34, 100901

Nano-scavengers for blood biomarker discovery in ovarian carcinoma  

Marilena Hadjidemetriou*, Lana Papafilippou, Richard D. Unwin, Jane Rogan, Andrew Clamp and Kostas Kostarelos*


Nanoscale, 2020,12 (18), 10240-10253

Protein corona fingerprinting to differentiate sepsis from non-infectious systemic inflammation

Lana Papafilippou, Andrew Claxton, Paul Dark, Kostas Kostarelos* and Marilena Hadjidemetriou*


Nanomedicine, 2019, 14 (24), 3127-3142

Hampering brain tumor proliferation and migration using peptide nanofiber:siPLK1/MMP2 complexes

Mariarosa Mazza, Hassan Ahmad, Marilena Hadjidemetriou, Giulia Agliardi, Omar N. Pathmanaban, Andrew T. King, Brian W. Bigger, Sandra Vranic*, Kostas Kostarelos*


Advanced Materials, 28 November 2018, 31 (4), 1970027

The human in vivo biomolecule corona onto PEGylated liposomes: A proof-of-concept clinical study

Marilena Hadjidemetriou, Sarah McAdam, Grace Garner, Chelsey Thackeray, David Knight, Duncan Smith, Zahraa Al-Ahmady, Mariarosa Mazza, Jane Rogan, Andrew Clamp, Kostas Kostarelos*


Biomaterials, 2018, 188, 118-129

A novel scavenging tool for cancer biomarker discovery based on the blood-circulating nanoparticle protein corona

Marilena Hadjidemetriou, Zahraa Al-Ahmady, Maurizio Buggio, Joe Swift, Kostas Kostarelos*


Journal of Controlled Release, 2018, 276, 157-167

Formation of protein corona in vivo affects drug release from temperature-sensitive liposomes

Zahraa Al-Ahmady^, Marilena Hadjidemetriou^, James Gubbins, Kostas Kostarelos*


Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 1256-1264

In vivo formation of protein corona on gold nanoparticles. The effect of size and shape

Rafaela García-Álvarez, Marilena Hadjidemetriou, Ana Sánchez-Iglesias, Luis Liz-Marzán* and Kostas Kostarelos*


Nature Nanotechnology, 2017, 12, 288-290

Evolution of the nanoparticle corona

Marilena Hadjidemetriou and Kostas Kostarelos*


Materials Today, 2017, 20 (1), 1-2

‘Science in the City’: Bringing nanoscale medicine alive

Marilena Hadjidemetriou* and Cyrill Bussy*


Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology: Innovation and Production, Cornier, J., Owen, A., Kwade, A. and Van de Voorde, M. (eds.), Wiley-VCH, 2017 (1), 43-62

The emergence of nanopharmacy: From biology to nanotechnology and drug molecules to nanodrugs

Marilena Hadjidemetriou, Zahraa Al-Ahmady, Mariarosa Mazza, and Kostas Kostarelos*


Nanoscale, 2016, 8 (13), 6948-6957

Time-evolution of in vivo protein corona onto blood-circulating PEGylated liposomal doxorubicin (DOXIL) nanoparticles

Marilena Hadjidemetriou, Zahraa Al-Ahmady, Kostas Kostarelos*


ACS Nano, 2015, 9 (8), 8142-8156

In vivo biomolecule corona around blood-circulating, clinically-used and antibody-targeted lipid bilayer nanoscale vesicles

Marilena Hadjidemetriou, Zahraa Al-Ahmady, Mariarosa Mazza, Richard F Collins, Kenneth Dawson, Kostas Kostarelos*


ACS Nano, 2015, 9 (2), 1137-1149

Peptide nanofiber complexes with siRNA for deep brain gene silencing by stereotactic neurosurgery

Mariarosa Mazza, Marilena Hadjidemetriou, Irene de Lazaro, Cyrill Bussy, Kostas Kostarelos*




Professor Kostarelos founded in 2006 and is still acting as the Senior Editor the journal Nanomedicine (Future Medicine, London).

Nanomedicine was the first medicine-oriented journal in the field, addressing the important advances and challenges towards the clinical use of nanoscale-structured materials and devices.

Professor Kostarelos also sits on the Editorial Advisory Board of: